Tuesday, February 14, 2023

When did the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day start?

 Where does the name Valentines come from?

It cannot be said exactly from where the tradition of
celebrating the day of love started as Valentine's Day. Because the Latin word
'Valentinus' or 'Valentine' means able or strong. However, there are roughly
three types of opinions in history regarding the celebration of this day:-

First opinion,

According to Roman Catholic records, the surname 'Valentine' was
added to the names of at least a dozen Christian saints from the second to
eighth centuries. Many of them gave their lives in Rajrosh. So there is a lot
of confusion about who exactly Valentine's Day is celebrated for. In AD 827 the
title was found next to the name of a Pope. But not much information about him
is available in history.

For which Valentine's Day is celebrated today, he died in 270
AD. According to a thirteenth-century document, Saint Valentine was executed by
Roman Emperor Claudius II. Because he was helping different young Christians to
get married.

Emperor Claudius II believed that unmarried young men could form
strong armies. As a result, he banned marriage in his empire.

Saint Valentine did not take this instruction of the emperor
well. He kept secretly helping different young Christians to get married.
Enraged at his defiance, Claudius ordered his execution. On the order of the
emperor, Saint Valentine was beheaded and executed.

According to another document, the bishop of Tarni in Italy was
also executed by Claudius II in the Middle Ages. Because of the similarity
between the two events, many people believe that this bishop and Saint Valentine
are the same person, who  was helping
different young Christians to get married against in Roman emperor Claudius II.

Saint Valentine was killed in the suburbs of Rome on or around
February 14, 3rd century AD. Originally, Valentine's Day was a day of sacrifice.
Later in the Middle Ages Geoffrey Chaucer associated love with it. In his
works, the association of love was first associated with this day. Gradually
the idea became popular. Now Valentine's Day and love are inseparable.

Second opinion,

So far only one person has been identified as Saint Valentine.
Somewhere else her name is Saint Valentina. He was executed in Palestine in
July 308 AD. Therefore, the Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates Valentine's Day
twice a year, on July 6 and July 30.

Third opinion,

Even in pagan times before the spread of Christianity, there was
a custom of celebrating a festival at the end of winter at the beginning of
spring. In ancient Roman civilization, mid-February was the day of Faunus, the
god of fertility. On that Parban, the unmarried youths of the village take a
notes from a box. Names of virgin girls were written on it. The young man who
mentioned the girl's name was considered a love pair from that day. Sometimes
this relationship even reached marriage.

This custom continued into the fifth century after the rise of
Christianity. But then gradually this attitude disappeared. According to
historians and researchers, fertility festivals of ancient civilizations also


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