Memorable events of Swamiji's life
One day at school, Narendra had to be punished without any guilt. Narendranath gave the correct answer in the geography class, but Teacher thought his answer was wrong. So he punished Narendra. Narendra repeatedly protested: - 'I was not wrong, I was right.' But teacher became angrier and started hitting Narendra mercilessly with a cane. His mother comforted him and said: 'Baby, if you're not mistaken, but what comes of it? Whatever the outcome, always do what you think is right.’ Narendranath saw the full form of this advice of his mother in Guru Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna used to say, he also showed in his behavior: 'truly kali's austerities.' Swami Vivekananda embodied in every step of his life the ideal of sincerity which he saw in both mother and Gurudev. Later, therefore, the world heard this great saying from Vivekananda: Everything can be given up for the sake of truth, but truth cannot be given up for the sake of anything.
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